Clyde’s Ride

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Nominee at the 10th annual LA Music Awards

Editorial Reviews
Product Description
This is the first full-length album from the 1998 San Diego Funk Band of the Year (San Diego Area Music Awards 1998) Clyde’s Ride. The nine songs on the album represent the range of music that the band performs, from the full blown funk of Silver Dollar, to the classic smoke-filled lounge sound of I’m Not Through With You to the alternative tinged Bitter.

From the Label
Following an opening performance at last year’s Sun God Festival and a win at the Belly Up Tavern’s Band of the Year competition, the release of Clyde’s Ride’s self-titled debut album marks another significant step for the band. The album successfully captures the band’s funk/R&B style. The harmonies and trade-offs between Sapico and the band’s other vocalist, Lani Ludwig keep the vocals fresh and interesting. The rest of the band, comprised of Johnny Fong, Brian Yaspan, Perkin and Monahan, create a danceable vibe throughout. Taken individually, each of the album’s nine songs can definitely hold its own. However in the scope of the entire record, all of the tunes begin to sound similar. Nevertheless, Clyde’s Ride should be commended because they have avoided the all-too-familiar ska path in exchange for a more timeless musical style embodied in this solid debut effort.

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Track Listings
1. Silver Dollar
2. Lani’s Lament
3. Prince
4. Blue Dots
5. I’m Not Through With You
6. Bitter
7. Aisles of Smiles
8. Never
9. Sounds Good