Jason Esler

Music Video

Nominated for Male Singer/Songwriter of the Year – 21st Annual LA Music Awards

2011 Nominee – American ,Blues & Roots Album of the Year – 21st Annual LA Music Awards

These songs are a collection of traveling, playing, working, and living across the American West over the last 8 years. From rural Alaska to downtown San Fran, these tunes are a quick capture of my memories and experiences. All of my performances and recordings are done Ad Lib, so each song is created and written new everytime. You may recognize a chorus, but the versus will keep you listening and guessing. Enjoy the frontier my friends…I know that I am

Band Members
Jason Esler
Nationwide, USA
Short Description
As a traveler and a musician, Jason has found a unique craft in blending experience with ad lib expression. Songs that are played once…are not played that way again. While each song may have a particular mood or melody, the lyrics are always created at the moment you are hearing them. With each performance the song grows and continues to develop a representation of experience. In order to maintain these ad lib qualities of his work, Jason recorded his first album Storyteller with no written composition. Each song has been captured on the first take and there are no sectional edits. In hearing his music this way, you experience the moment Jason created it, which is perhaps the greatest aspect of ad lib music.
Current Location
Artists We Also Like
Ray LaMontange, David Gray, Mason Jennings, Steve Earl
James McMurtry, Johnny Cash, Mason Jennings, John Prine, David Gray, Steve Earle, Ray LaMontagne