Robert ‘Lopaka’ Souza

Live Performance

2013 Honorable Mention – 23rd Annual LA Music Awards

I’ll be working on that till my final hour, but at least it’s never dull trying to make a positive difference in this crazy world and I try to reflect that in my songwriting. A great man once said, “We either survive together as one family, or perish together as a family of fools.” Well, I’m hoping the former will be our destiny and at least I know I’ve tried to live by that ideal.

Regarding some of my song writing accomplishments: I received a 2009 “Collective Works” award from “Song of the Year” an international song writing contest with over 15000 entries from around the world with celebrity judges that included Eric Clapton, Sting, Tom Waits, the Edge and others. Also from the “Song of the Year Awards” I won a Finalist position in 2010 and a runner up position in 2011. I also won a finalist position for “Male Singer Songwriter” in the “LA Music Awards” a few years back.

Currently for a living I spend most of my days working as an animation story artist, writer & designer and like music, it’s another great form of story telling. As far as my current musical ambitions are concerned, I’m trying to finish up an album and most importantly have fun doing it. As far as performing goes, I love it, when you connect with an audience it’s an awesome feeling that validates the passion you’ve put into your art. Ultimately as a songwriter I hope my songs will stand the test of time, touch, inspire and motivate people to think outside the cage. We can make a difference in this world and music is one of those rare art forms that has the power.

That’s it for now folks. Peace out,
Robert aka Lopaka

Robert (Lopaka) Souza: Vocals, Electric & Acoustic Guitars, Percussion.
Band members: in transition